Category Archives: Fitness


Fooled you.  I did not take a vacation from my primal endeavor.  Rather, I took primal on vacation and it was easier than I thought.  Primal snacks (what used to be emergency food as blood sugars plummeted) were easy to carry (string cheese, macadamia nuts), meat-full meals were plentiful on most menus, and Whole Foods was just around the corner.  By in large it was a snap, though I did get hungry at one point and my dear husband caught the sharp snap of Debbie gone wild (in a non primal way that is).

Followed the primal blueprint of play and movement by taking 2 Nia classes at Eight Elements West in La Jolla. Hubby also satisfied my thrift shopping passion and I his driving delight.  We really compliment each other in so many ways.

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Posted by on February 20, 2012 in Fitness, Nutrition


Still on track to complete 3 weeks of primal fitness without any undue effects…no gallbladder attacks, cholesterol bumps or weight gain.  I feel great.  Started with a cold the other day only to curb it with yogi tea and half and half–much richer than using soy but oh so delicious.  Whipped up some kale chips this morning.  Another great way to add more greens and a super munchie food.  I have noticed when I am triggered into emotional eating (usually in the afternoon, post morning frenzy at the cancer center).  I sense I stuff things in my mouth in an effort to swallow emotions related to assisting people in their journey through cancer.  Because I am not “hungry” I can more easily recognize the signs.  I actually went 6 hours without thinking about food and on Valentine’s Day.  I sense when I need to eat by the way I feel, not by some time clock on the wall.

First primal workout was tough.  Push-ups, modified pull-ups, squats, and plank completed the fab 4 exercises.  All body weight and invigorating (even if I had to help my arms function in the shower).

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Posted by on February 17, 2012 in Fitness, Nutrition